Trekking-Horse Riding-City tours- Mountaineering-hoto-tours in Southern Kyrgyzstan-:TOURS

Chyngyz M.Ametov is recommended as a tour guide and interpreter by Five (5) guide-books :

1)." Kyrgyzstan " ( by L.Mitchell, Bradt Travel Guide ,2008,2015,2019)

2 ). "Kyrgyz republic "( by R.Stewart and S.Weldon,Odyssey publ., 2d.-3d. ed.)

3 )." Kirghizistan"-Petit Futé (by D.Auzias, J-P.Labourdette,2017)

4 ). "Asie Centrale 2018/2019"- Petit Futé (by D.Auzias, J-P.Labourdette )

4 ). " Kirgistan " ( by St. Flechtner and D. Schreiber,2014,2019 )

I offer :

Trekking+Horse Riding in Kyrgyzstan

Trekking+Mountaneering (4423 m.,4692 m.) In Kyrgyzstan

Trekking and Extreme Trekking in Kyrgyzstan

Yak and Camel Riding in Kyrgyzstan

Horse Riding in Kyrgyzstan

Cultural Tours in Kyrgyzstan

City Tours in Osh and Özgön cities

Here's some of recommendations of the tourists who bought my tours

By Italian tourists



Massimo Camba,Elisa Gorni,Milano,Italia


  Nell’estate del 2013 io e mio marito Massimo siamo partiti dall’Italia per visitare l'Uzbekistan e il Kirghizistan. 

Arrivati a Osh dal confine con L’Uzbekistan, mentre siamo in giro per visitare la città e vedere se si può fare qualche trekking, abbiamo incontrato una persona che ci ha parlato in inglese.
All'inizio abbiamo pensato che fosse uno straniero, in realtà era di Osh ... ed era Chynghyz!
Si è presentato, ha spiegato il suo lavoro e ci ha mostrato molte foto delle montagne kirghise e della vita dei nomadi.
Abbiamo subito capito che era ciò che stavamo cercando, visitare il paese fuori dai soliti percorsi turistici.
Il giorno dopo abbiamo iniziato un viaggio verso le montagne a nord est di Osh.
La mattina presto siamo partiti con un fuoristrada sovietico per poi continuare con facile trekking verso i campi di alta montagna.

Siamo stati 3 giorni con i nomadi e condividendo la giornata e le attività quotidiane.

Abbiamo mangiato e dormito insieme a loro in tenda. I loro bambini ci hanno mostrato il bestiame ed hanno giocato e fatto qualche foto con noi!
Tutto questo è stato per noi veramente speciale e ci ha fatto entrare in contatto con un mondo totalmente diverso dalla vita quotidiana italiana.

Durante questi giorni abbiamo anche raggiunto la cima di una montagna di circa, cavalcato e fato numerose foto alla natura ed i villaggi.

Grazie a Chynghyz siamo stati accolti dai nomadi di cui manteniamo un bel ricordo!

In summer 2013 me and my boyfriend were visiting Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.
The very first day in Osh while we’re going around visiting the city, a man come to us, speaking English.
At the beginning I thought he was a foreigner, but he was not... he was Chynghyz!
He introduced himself, explained his work and showed lot of  pictures about the nomads life in KyrgyzstanThat was what we were looking for, visiting the country outside the usual tourist roads.The day after we started a trip with Chynghyz.He brought us in the mountains. Firstly with a jeep, than walking. We stayed 3 days with the nomads and experienced a their life. We ate food together and
slept in their tent. In the end we also managed to meet the children that showed the cattle to us!All this has been special for us being a totally different world from the Italian day by day life, (but also far from city life in Osh,
We also climbed the a top of a mountain, ride an horse and enjoyed the very beautiful nature.Thanks to Chynghyz we have been welcomed by the nomads and we keep a very beauty



by Hungarian tourist


by Spanish tourist


Luis Martin,Spain

 If you plan a trip to Kyrgyzstan here you have a potential guide/tour. 

Si planeas un viaje a Kyrgyzstan, aqui tienes un tour/guia potencial:

by American tourists

                Lee Moore and Galen Burke,USA



We did an Osh city tour with Chingiz, and it was fantastic!

Chingis knows phenomenal amounts about everything in Osh.


He explained the current political situation in Osh, recent ethnic conflicts that led to riots (the             remains of which Chingiz showed us).


He showed us how to recognize different Soviet-Era housing units.


He took us to the market to explain the importance of the different kinds of breads and fruits.


He took us to several museums, the three story yurt and the caves of Babur and Suleiman on             the holy mountain in Osh.


All this and so much more, we had an incredible time and would definitely recommend this                    tour and any other tour that Chingiz does!

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